Old tiles by kametty

Old tiles

No idea why these old floor tiles are outside half hidden by the sedum. I am finding all sorts of odd things dotted around the garden. An un-edited shot straight out of camera for the nifty 50 challenge.
I am not so surprised that a stack of tiles would be tucked into a corner of your yard, I'm pretty sure I have some in my back yard too. I'm wondering about the serving ladle.
September 4th, 2023  
@cdcook48 Hubby is a hoarder and I suspect the old broken ladle was put to one side to recycle - was used to scoop something out of the pond and left in the undergrowth forgotten until I went snooping around for photo opportunities ha ha.
September 5th, 2023  
I like how the light hits the tiles.
September 5th, 2023  
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