And she is back. How it has cheered me to see you come up in my feed! have you had your head stuck in a book all this time? This looks like it has come from another era. Look forward to more!
@graemestevens thank you kind sir. @domenicododaro I hadn't thought of that adjective for it, it makes sense... :) @theboxmanreturns thank you Shady! @helenhall that was so nice to read Helen, I am humbled! :) I might as well have had my head stuck in a book! I must catch up with you soon. @shylaine3304 aaah I love my fellow readers!
@domenicododaro I hadn't thought of that adjective for it, it makes sense... :)
@theboxmanreturns thank you Shady!
@helenhall that was so nice to read Helen, I am humbled! :) I might as well have had my head stuck in a book! I must catch up with you soon.
@shylaine3304 aaah I love my fellow readers!