Peacock (BOB) by kgolab

Peacock (BOB)

Today has been a tough day. A day where people have played the persona of the Peacock. Appearing welcoming and full of beauty and grace until they had you fooled, and then displayed their aggressive behaviour and turned extremely territorial.

Today I am thankful that within a tough day, I was able to rise above. To keep calm and less opinionated. To stand my ground, without the need to tear down others. To stand up for what I believe in and soften the blow for those I love. Today has been a tough day, but I stood tall. I pray tomorrow is kinder.

Keep smiling everyone :) and take care out there.
A beautiful peacock! Hope you have a better day tomorrow!
June 6th, 2020  
Gorgeous peacock but yes they are scary when they turn on you... Well done for managing challenging circumstances calmly hope things feel better today x
June 6th, 2020  
Lovely picture - I'm sorry your day was full of human peacocks:(
June 6th, 2020  
They are a stunning bird.....and good on you for standing strong.
June 6th, 2020  
Lovely Image Congratulation for mastering the day with grace and dignity.
June 6th, 2020  
Great capture
June 6th, 2020  
Stunting. Great shot. Fav.
June 6th, 2020  
Love the fanned out peacock... so beautiful... glad you survived the day and hope that tomorrow is much, much better.
June 6th, 2020  
Such a wise perspective Keren. It's difficult isn't it? Very good observation on behavior. I'm glad you didn't allow it to make you unhappy.
June 6th, 2020  
Wonderful photo, a fine looking peacock. I hope you have better days ahead
June 6th, 2020  
wow! this is so great!
June 7th, 2020  
I like that it takes the whole screen. Pretty shot .
June 7th, 2020  
Gorgeous peacock!
June 7th, 2020  
Nicely filled frame! Hoping for a better day for you tomorrow!
June 7th, 2020  
June 7th, 2020  
Wow. Beautiful! Sorry about your day though. :-(
June 7th, 2020  
Such an amazing display!
June 7th, 2020  
Wonderful shot and sorry you had too many peacocks in your day but you’re so right in believing in the next day 👍
June 7th, 2020  
Wow! fav
June 7th, 2020  
tomorrow will be better. Our peacocks are just getting their new tails now.
June 7th, 2020  
Wow...I have never been able to shoot the tail up like this..Brilliant....
June 7th, 2020  
Today is a new day and fingers-crossed for a better one... Fabulous capture! 🤞🏻🦚💫
June 7th, 2020  
Love peacocks fav
June 7th, 2020  
Lovely shot. Hope you have a better day today
June 7th, 2020  
Fantastic shot!
June 7th, 2020  
Lovely shot Keren, I hope that tomorrow is a better day.
June 7th, 2020  
Wonderful timing and capture
June 7th, 2020  
A beautiful display. Fav!
June 7th, 2020  
beautiful fav
June 7th, 2020  
At least, like a peacock, those people have a vibration or a sound/energy that can serve as a warning just before they turn territorial
June 7th, 2020  
Beautiful! Hope you're having a better day today :-)
June 7th, 2020  
June 7th, 2020  
Love how this fills the frame.
June 8th, 2020  
A fantastic shot!
June 8th, 2020  
Fantastic peacock filling the frame, but not good news about your day. Well done for dealing with it so well - I hope that by now the problem is resolved.
June 9th, 2020  
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