Rabat by kjarn


I liked this scene, the door, the textures, the pops of green and the handprints
This is quite lovely and the colours delightful.
June 16th, 2024  
@jamibann the plants could do with a drink though. Thank you for the fav
June 16th, 2024  
Love those handprints!
June 16th, 2024  
What a fabulous place
June 16th, 2024  
@casablanca thank you for the fav
June 16th, 2024  
such a beautiful capture and scene, I love the colours.
June 16th, 2024  
@ludwigsdiana thank you for the fav Diana
June 16th, 2024  
Great colours. I love the hand prints.
June 16th, 2024  
Looks so welcoming
June 16th, 2024  
A beautiful entry! Lovely colors and tones.
June 16th, 2024  
June 16th, 2024  
@pusspup thank you for the fav
June 16th, 2024  
The handprints are definitely a highlight!
June 16th, 2024  
A lovely shot of this beautifully decorated building!

June 16th, 2024  
Great find. Those handprints are wonderful.
June 16th, 2024  
A lovely find!
June 16th, 2024  
June 16th, 2024  
A residence of fun people and family-friendly.
June 16th, 2024  
What wonderful fine, I can imagine you walking down the narrow streets and find All sorts of interesting places and things to photograph!
June 17th, 2024  
Such a lovely green and love those handprints
June 17th, 2024  
@rensala thank you for the fav Renee
June 17th, 2024  
A very pleasant scene indeed- and I love the handprints!
June 18th, 2024  
Very pleasant scene. The door and its intricacies is just wonderful. Interesting little bit of artwork on the overhang above the door where the handprints are, I wonder what that signifies.
June 18th, 2024  
More good colours
June 19th, 2024  
Interesting place.
June 24th, 2024  
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