Looks like Dewdrop has been munching on some bloodwood sap (normal but not an everyday part of the diet). It will have set like resin now! Thank you for the lovely comments on my photos - 365 rocks :)
@hermann oh yes it is very sweet - it is fed on my many of the parrots and the gliders too. it is however blood red, but sets pretty much black as you can see
@kchuk I guess it must because they will occasionally eat some - it probably contains minerals they feel a need for as they usually munch on some bark at the same time :)
@s4sayer oh yes, nearly all koala communication is done through smell. Their vision is good for close up, but they don't have very good long range vision. Great observation :)
@kchuk I guess it must because they will occasionally eat some - it probably contains minerals they feel a need for as they usually munch on some bark at the same time :)