Since I can't read your captions, I have to make up my own stories about your pictures. This one reminds me of an Edgar Allen Poe story. The water is stagnant, and moss has started growing on the water. The trees are crooked and leaning over the water, making them also look sick or give the feeling of "something is wrong here." Then the looks like an observatory where there might be a telescope to study the planets, but it is so old and decrepit, that maybe it is no longer useful. Perhaps this picture is a book cover photo for a story about an invasion of extraterrestrials who have taken over the earth and everything that humans once held dear has become obsolete and unused. So am I right? just joking.... I really like the composition.
@callmezeke Köszönöm az eszmefuttatásod! Valójában Magyarország török megszállása idején török fürdő létesült, majd a képen látható épületet - a hegyről lefolyó patakot kihasználva - malommá alakították. Hosszú ideig működött, de a patak apadása miatt a malom is megszűnt. Az 1960-as évektől a tó másik felében kedvelt szórakozó hely létesült "Kis malomtó" néven. (Elég sokat jártam én is ide) Az utolsó 10 éveben több alkalommal is gazdát cserélt! Ma már zárva van és a képen látottak alapján enyészetnek indult. Mindössze ennyi a történet.
Thanks for your idea! Indeed, during the Turkish occupation of Hungary, the Turkish bath ceased to exist and then the visible building was constructed - exploiting the creek from the mountain. It worked for a long time, but because of the fall of a stream, the mill had ceased. From the 1960s on, in the other half of the lake, it has become a favorite place for entertainment under the name of the "Little Mill". (I've been here a lot here) For the last 10 years, you have changed hands several times! It is now closed and apparently starting from the picture. All that is the story.
Thanks for your idea! Indeed, during the Turkish occupation of Hungary, the Turkish bath ceased to exist and then the visible building was constructed - exploiting the creek from the mountain. It worked for a long time, but because of the fall of a stream, the mill had ceased. From the 1960s on, in the other half of the lake, it has become a favorite place for entertainment under the name of the "Little Mill". (I've been here a lot here) For the last 10 years, you have changed hands several times! It is now closed and apparently starting from the picture. All that is the story.