I had already posted yesterday's shot when we were camping and saw this view. Just had to share! A cruise ship heading south from Alaska as the sun was setting and the moon raising.
Of all the "blue-moon" submitted here at 365, to me, U are the best because you added some romance to it; while the others are like for the children's science book. My FAV!
@sailingmusic Thanks for the idea. Maybe I'll try that! @rah2012 I have no idea how it worked at F3.5. Just luck. I left my big zoom at home and didn't have my tripod either.
I find myself visiting you all the time, I better follow you :)
Whereabouts are you?
@rah2012 I have no idea how it worked at F3.5. Just luck. I left my big zoom at home and didn't have my tripod either.