We had a big team dinner in our condo. The eight kids got their new shirts tonight and they posed and jumped infront of this funky graffiti wall in the park across the street. Today was a double practice day. Racing starts on Wednesday. This is much better large, if you have time.
I probably would have cropped the bottom off to the bottom of the wall to get rig of the grass in the street. But from a fun photo standpoint, this is fabulous. I LOVE the expressions and the coordinated jump, and the colorful wall. Such a wonderfully fun capture. Fav
@jcarrollphoto You're right, Jim. I should have cropped. I don't know how to do it after the fact though. I don't want to lose comments so ill just keep it. Thanks for the fav!!
@lepi I set the focus while they all stood still then yelled, "1,2,3, jump!" And pushed in continuous mode. The girls were amazingly in sync over and over. It was the boys that forced the reshoots.
Love the fun of this, love their shirts, love the graffiti, even Bigshit!
You can crop this in Picmonkey without losing any of the comments.
but I think editing out the ground would make the photo lose all sense of jumping.
You can crop this in Picmonkey without losing any of the comments.
but I think editing out the ground would make the photo lose all sense of jumping.
Fun shot, BTW, love all the colors !