ROYGBIV by kwind


Came home last night and watched this amazing rainbow. It lasted probably 15 minutes!

Thanks for all your comments and fav's on my watermelon and sports triptychs. My poor son is going to have to give up soccer for a while though. He's been complaining of sore feet after playing and it's been getting worse after every game. Yesterday was unbearable and I took him to the walk in clinic this morning. It turns out is Achilles tendon is inflamed and injured. The doctor says soccer is one of the worst sports for such a diagnosis because of all the start/stop running that happens. He's rather upset but I think we need to stop while he's young and get it healed properly.

Here's a far away look at the rainbow...
April 29th, 2014  
perfection! fav
April 29th, 2014  
Fantastic! Well done on catching it!
April 29th, 2014  
Wow! Each color s so distinct! What a fantastic capture!
April 29th, 2014  
Jealous! Everytime I find a rainbow there's traffic, buildings and powerlines!! LOL Great shot!
April 29th, 2014  
Colors are great! I heard the D800 is a bit hard to white balance?
April 29th, 2014  
what an amazing rainbow! I never see one in the right place. This one is so big and bright!
April 29th, 2014  
Fav! Perfection.
April 29th, 2014  
beautiful - rainbows are so joyful
April 29th, 2014  
@cisco I shoot in Raw so it's easy to adjust after the fact if necessary but I don't do so very often. I love my camera!
April 29th, 2014  
Sorry to learn about your son. Hope the rainbow's healing helps him.

April 29th, 2014  
Yeah!! You made the trending page! :)
April 29th, 2014  
Wow! Gorgeous rainbow! So cool you got it without any clutter! Sorry about your son having to drop soccer. Hope he heals quick and won't be too disappointed.
April 29th, 2014  
Awesome rainbow!
April 29th, 2014  
April 29th, 2014  
Beautiful capture! Such a clear rainbow! Fav.
April 29th, 2014  
Lovely and well captured rainbow! The achilles is so important and takes ages to heal. If he continues to use it, he will be affected with weakness there for the rest of his life! Get him to learn bridge instead?
April 29th, 2014  
WOW...what a lovely rainbow view!! Amazing capture of it!
April 29th, 2014  
That is an AMAZING rainbow shot. Love it! Fav!
April 29th, 2014  
Wow that IS an incredible rainbow! It doesn't even look real (although I know it is:)
April 29th, 2014  
That is amazing
April 29th, 2014  
So lucky!!! What an amazing rainbow -- it's so wide!
April 29th, 2014  
Fav! So bright!
April 29th, 2014  
How lovely to see one so uncluttered by anything. Wonderful
April 29th, 2014  
Wonderful capture
April 29th, 2014  
Beautiful rainbow
April 29th, 2014  
Wow....big one:)
April 29th, 2014  
Terriffic shot!
April 29th, 2014  
Instant fav - love it!
April 29th, 2014  
One of the best rainbow's I've seen. Going to fav!
April 29th, 2014  
Brillian it.
April 29th, 2014  
Love it! Love the name too :)
April 29th, 2014  
Wow, how perfect is that. I would buy a lotto ticket:-) Fav
April 29th, 2014  
Beautiful rainbow capture!
April 29th, 2014  
Beautiful rainbow ! looks enormous !!!
so sorry to hear for your son...hope he will recover soon, but he's still ok for swim and baseball ;)
April 29th, 2014  
Ooh I love a good rainbow shot and this is superb! Fav.
April 29th, 2014  
Great rainbow, always fills me with a thrill! And sorry to hear about your son, but you are right - it is better to give it time now. But I can totally see how upset he must be.
April 29th, 2014  
Gorgeous!!! FAV!
April 29th, 2014  
great catch of the rainbow
April 29th, 2014  
Awesome sighting. A fav!
April 29th, 2014  
Just beautiful! Great shot
April 30th, 2014  
Wow. Fav, fav, fav.
April 30th, 2014  
April 30th, 2014  
April 30th, 2014  
Stunning. You live in an incredible place. Fav
May 1st, 2014  
Brilliant capture, stunning shot!
May 1st, 2014  
JEALOUS!! ;o) xx
May 1st, 2014  
beautiful!!! I can't believe how much your view changes
May 3rd, 2014  
Wow, just wow!!! What an amazing rainbow, and so glad you were able to capture it! You must have been holding your camera in your hand in anticipation! :-)
May 3rd, 2014  
Fabulous! Hope Gage saw it and felt a little uplifted, poor lad is really in the wars at the moment. Get better soon young man! (And keep that patient smile mum!)
May 4th, 2014  
that is so close and clear! love the pov!
May 8th, 2014  
What an awesome rainbow!
May 11th, 2014  
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