An Attempt by kwind

An Attempt

This is my attempt at a long exposure shot. I really struggle with this concept! I've got the fancy filter but have yet to master it. I find it so tricky to get the right amount of light in. Any and all suggestions are welcome!!
I think this is beautiful Kim
April 13th, 2016  
This looks pretty good to me. I did a 4 day course back in feb with @dide and still struggle with yhe concept. Practice makes perfect.
April 13th, 2016  
It is unfortunate that the breaking waves did not cooperate for you. The foreground is wonderful, so if you just moved the breaking wave into the frame a bit, you would have a real winner.

Far from mastering a 400ND, I have found I have to think 'what is the longest exposure I can get with out any filters?' Usually ISO 100, f/22, some numbers like that. Then I have to remember to focus, lock the focus, install the filter and go manual on the focus with changing it. The worst part is, "is the 400ND eight stops or nine?" Then divided by two from the shutter speed that a test shot gave me. 1/15, 1/7, 1/3, 1/1.5, 1, 2 , 4, 8 ,16, .... And I usually come out too bright.

Have fun with the filter.
April 13th, 2016  
You getting there....Keep the F. Stop smaller to get the milky water effect.
April 13th, 2016  
I haven't mastered this but don't think I can with my bridge camera! I'm sure you will get it!
April 13th, 2016  
Definitely a step in the right direction. The water is looking very creamy.
April 13th, 2016  
Aren't there filters you can get that separate the sky from the foreground more? I'm not really a landscape photographer (yet!).
April 13th, 2016  
This is fantastic: love the clarity and focus on the rocks and the hazy feel of the sea
April 13th, 2016  
I think this is really lovely.
April 13th, 2016  
This looks really lovely. I have a couple of images on my site that I had the 10 stop; filter on - I am still learning, but it's fun!
April 13th, 2016  
I've never tried! but this looks great!
April 13th, 2016  
This looks pretty good to me!
April 13th, 2016  
Delightful capture :)
April 13th, 2016  
It is pretty image... I would love to try that, and I will when I get close to sea...I think you are getting there...
April 13th, 2016  
Do you have an ND filter? How strong is the filter. I think you have done a nice job here but it does call for some reasoning. You used f20 and I would think that would cause (omg my foggy brain isn't coming up with the right word) graininess. You think about the fact that the filter makes it dark but the long exposure allows more time for the light to get through to the picture. I experiment with my first few shots and then get serious but probably others know better. My Christmas day shot was using this method. I want to try again when my energy returns.
April 13th, 2016  
This is cool. I've just begun trying this and it's very much trial and error
April 13th, 2016  
Really like this capture! I have a ND filter but just starting to play with it so very interested in learning from others.
April 13th, 2016  
Beautiful capture....nice work!
April 13th, 2016  
great shot
April 13th, 2016  
Brilliant effort Kim.......look very professional to me.....dreamy looking stones!
April 13th, 2016  
Wonderful composition and greaqt depth in this shot
April 13th, 2016  
We probably should have bumped into each other. I was out trying my ND also. A lot of trial & error I found.
April 13th, 2016  
April 13th, 2016  
You did very well and this is a lovely capture.
April 13th, 2016  
The rocks look so beautiful! you make me want to pack up the kids and head to the beach with this photo!
April 13th, 2016  
It ended up quite nice
April 13th, 2016  
Great pov and a beautiful shot.
April 13th, 2016  
A nice capture but I have not done many of these so am not equipped to give any suggestions
April 13th, 2016  
I have the same issues, just need more practise I think! A beautiful shot!
April 13th, 2016  
Great pov, nicely captured
April 13th, 2016  
This is very beautiful.
April 13th, 2016  
Very pretty. I gave it a go at the ocean recently. It's very challenging and I think just takes a lot of experimenting to see what you like.
April 13th, 2016  
Nice seascape
April 13th, 2016  
I think you've done a great job here. Lovely sharp detail in the foreground and softness in the water.
April 13th, 2016  
Awesome shot
April 13th, 2016  
I think you did very well ! I am no expert but I think practice makes perfect here!
April 13th, 2016  
Beautiful seascape. Fav
April 13th, 2016  
Very nice! I got a filter a while back and still have yet to try it out but it's on my list. Think you got a great start here!
April 13th, 2016  
I think this is just gorgeous. I have an ND filter but haven't got round to playing with it yet and reading the comments above I don't think I'm alone! However, I think you have done really well with this one.
April 13th, 2016  
I haven't done many of these shots but looks pretty good to me!
April 13th, 2016  
I would like to do more of this type of photography. I need to get a new filter for my new camera though.
April 13th, 2016  
Great shot of the rocks and sea.
April 13th, 2016  
looks great . I haven't done many but I would keep the ISO as low as the camera will go.
April 13th, 2016  
I think it looks lovely. I've just got a ND filter so haven't got any experience of using it yet so not much help but if I get results like this I'll be very happy!
April 13th, 2016  
Long exposures are tricky during the daytime since there's already so much light. I would suggest visiting digital photography school for a good tutorial. But that being said Istill really enjoy looking at your photo
April 14th, 2016  
I love it your Kim!
April 14th, 2016  
Love this!
April 14th, 2016  
Wonderful pov...lovely light.
April 14th, 2016  
I love your pov and the waythewet rocks glisten
April 14th, 2016  
Something I'd love to try again myself. I think you've done a fabulous job xx
April 14th, 2016  
Like the feel here!
April 14th, 2016  
Nice work! It looks great. It took me fair amount of practice but I enjoy the whole process as much as the results :-)
April 15th, 2016  
I think you did very well! The big front rocks are great.
April 16th, 2016  
I love your pov. I need to try this also. FAV
April 18th, 2016  
Wonderfull image..
May 4th, 2016  
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