GridArt_20240606_220323137 by la_photographic


Word of the Month, Get Pushed 618 & 30 Days Wild challenge entry. Delwyn @dkbarnett said "How about from me a challenge to do something after the style of artist David Hockney where he does a photography collage of one scene comprising many photographs."
@dkbarnett Hope you like this Delwyn.
June 6th, 2024  
Hi Laura, We are paired this week for the 'Get Pushed' challenge. I really like your 100 Strangers Album and I would really like you to revive that project (see your last one was over 3 years ago) so how about making a 'stranger' portrait for your challenge?
June 10th, 2024  
@allsop I will do my best - thanks.
June 10th, 2024  
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