Pink Azalea by laroque

Pink Azalea

This is my favourite shrub in my garden, an azalea rescued as a young plant, at a cost of 3.5€, from the bargain shelf at a local garden centre. I found the right place for it and it is thriving, and today I tried to photo it in the morning, when it is in shade, and in the afternoon, when it is in full sun. Unfortunately we have had high winds all day, up to 100 km/h, and the afternoon shots reflected its suffering. So this is one of the morning shots, and the colour of the flowers is not really correct.
The color might be a little blue, but that's nice in it's own way.
Your story reminds me of something I did years ago. I happened to see a sale bin of flower bulbs at a hard ware store. They were a mess and had started sprouting right through the plastic bags. I had no intention of getting them but I couldn't resist, they seemed so pathetic. I stuck them in the front yard, which was a poor design choice, but I just wanted to get them in the ground and figured I'd move any that survived. Many years later when we sold the house in mid-summer, I found out people were calling it "the house with the golden lilies". They were a huge spectacular yellow display right up front neat the mailbox.
Thanks for letting me reminisce!
April 29th, 2015  
Nice and sharp flower details Tim. You and yoru camera did very nicely there.

Yes, the color. It's all about "white balance." Not sure what you might have set for that, but you could try "auto wb" and see what the camera thinks. Your camera also has White Balance Auto Bracketing where you can produce several versions of the same shot with different white balances. You might check into that and experiment with it to see what the different options hold out in various situations.
April 30th, 2015  
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