Le Ninfe della Tammora by laroque

Le Ninfe della Tammora

There was a lot of music at L'Escale, from all over Europe and beyond. Unfortunately, being a maritime festival, it seemed to be mostly chanting, drums and bagpipes, particularly the latter. Bagpipes are a Celtic thing, and the Celts populated NW Spain (Galicia, Asturias & Cantabria) as well as Brittany in France and then Ireland and Scotland. There were bands from all these places. I didn't know the French word for bagpipe before this week, but now I know that if I ever see the word 'cornemuse' on a poster or leaflet, to turn 180° and run fast in the opposite direction.

Fortunately the day was saved by this Italian group, the Nymphs of Tammora. According to the event brochure, they interprete the traditional repertoire of the Amalfi coast. I don't believe a word of it, I reckon their agent read the brief, did what was necessary to get the gig, then bought them some traditional-looking clothes and sent them off to France. I'm not complaining, they did a brilliant, energetic set. Here's a Youtube clip of one of the songs they performed:

Great shot! LOL! The pipes can get pretty loud.
April 16th, 2022  
Marvellous, thanks for the tip - just my cup of tea. And I also play the accordion like the one in the picture, but not as fast as this talented woman and without the leg kicks!
April 17th, 2022  
They play a lot of fun music, thank you for bringing them to my attention. Your photo is great.
April 24th, 2022  
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