Much Moss by linnypinny

Much Moss

For today's word...the old oak in my mom's yard is quite moss covered!
Lovely shot
February 17th, 2014  
@kbird61 Thanks, Kay!
February 17th, 2014  
I don't know much about moss because I live in the desert. Is it true that it grows on the north side of trees? Can it harm a tree like this?
February 17th, 2014  
@cejaanderson Moss can actually grow anywhere, but it likes shade and moisture. It doesn't harm the trees, but some people don't like the way it looks.
February 17th, 2014  
I love moss. We have a lot where we live over stones , trees, but not so good on my vegetable patch!
February 17th, 2014  
@callymazoo It can be quite pretty!
February 17th, 2014  
Great texture on moss and bark.
February 17th, 2014  
Fabulous rich colors and textures. I love moss!
February 18th, 2014  
@tristansmum @peggysirk Thanks so much for viewing and commenting!
February 18th, 2014  
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