Rainbowquet by lisabell


Horrible play on words, I know. I had more fun with the colorful Post-It notes in the office again today. Each blossom consists of five square notes, skillfully folded by me and carefully glued together with a dried up glue stick.
So cute
August 26th, 2011  
HA! Somebody has too much time on her hands? Pretty, I should try that!
August 26th, 2011  
i see someone has some origami skills! :) Love the composition and colors!!
August 26th, 2011  
great idea love it FAV
August 26th, 2011  
pretty! very pretty
August 27th, 2011  
So cool, I want to know how to make those! lol
August 27th, 2011  
How creative and beautiful. Nice job.
August 27th, 2011  
Somebody doesn't have enough work to do! Great colours though.
August 27th, 2011  
Oragami and photography...2 of your many talents!
August 27th, 2011  
Ok, I think I might not mind having a job like yours! This is really creative! And I love the bright colors. Gotta mark it as a fav.
August 27th, 2011  
Wow! Love this, so very cool.
August 27th, 2011  
Great theme shot :)
August 27th, 2011  
and again, Lisa, you amaze me. This is so creative! AND it makes a fabulous picture. Lighting, colors, focus, just perfect. FAV for sure!
August 27th, 2011  
So bright and cheery.
August 27th, 2011  
Now that is being creative. A clever idea.
August 27th, 2011  
Very creative idea! Nice for the theme. Very colorful!
August 27th, 2011  
Very neat - both the flowers and the photo.
August 27th, 2011  
This is a fav! I wish I could figure out how to make one of these!
August 27th, 2011  
Versitilty of a post it note, Fantasic shot
August 27th, 2011  
very clever for the theme this week!!
August 27th, 2011  
August 27th, 2011  
Very creative! I like this very much!
August 27th, 2011  
great stuff - love playing aroudn with Post-it notes - really creative!
August 27th, 2011  
These are so pretty!
August 27th, 2011  
this is very cool
i love it
August 27th, 2011  
@erikadee You’re just too nice! I spend so much time at the office that I try to come up with ideas on my lunch hour. I typed in “post-it flowers” in google and couldn’t believe it hit on origami! I made the flowers at lunch and took them home for the shot. Creativity or desperation? You decide!
August 28th, 2011  
@rockstarariel @cjphoto @relicsong @eva398 @pamfromcalgary @hudd @debsphotos @olivetreeann @cheryllorrain @buccigrossi @digitalrn @paulaag @5unflow3r @sparkle @missyrosebee @glendq Thanks so much for your nice comments. Please cut me some slack on being a slacker on the job. I do get a lunch hour ya know! ;)
August 28th, 2011  
hahah this is cute so fun!
August 28th, 2011  
I must learn how to do these! They look like fun!
August 28th, 2011  
I love this, so colorful!
August 28th, 2011  
August 28th, 2011  
These are lovely. Now I want to make some at work when I get bored. LOL :)
August 28th, 2011  
Very bright and colourful, great theme entry and saw this on the PP!
August 28th, 2011  
Wonderfully creative in more ways than one!
August 28th, 2011  
These are beautifuls! I've tried this in the past few days.. something has gone wrong at the gluing part though :o/ I'll try again ;o)
August 28th, 2011  
These are awesome! Great composition too! I want to work where you work so I can have access to so many colors of post-its too : )
August 29th, 2011  
love creative artsy stuff and this is one of 'em-fav :)
August 29th, 2011  
@lisjam1 THANK YOU so much for the instructions! @tsburns2001 How pathetic am I that I buy MY OWN pop-up Post it notes in fun colors for my fun dispenser rather than use the sickly yellow freebie knockoffs our office provides?!
August 30th, 2011  
@deniseinindy I buy the office supplies so I make sure we have cool stuff!
August 30th, 2011  
August 30th, 2011  
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