Frida Kahlo Immersion  by lisaconrad

Frida Kahlo Immersion

Today a coworker and I went to the Immersion Frida Kahlo show and did yoga. It was amazing. It felt so good to stretch and move my body while the show was going on around us. After the class we were able to sit on our mats while they replayed the show. It is so moving. You are surrounded by the art and photos, music is playing, you can feel the emotion in her work.
After the show we walked around downtown for awhile then went to lunch and had an delicious meal.
It was a really good day and I really connected with my coworker.
Now that must have been amazing, such a remarkable woman. I certainly would have enjoyed it too. Always good to bond with coworkers, am happy for that it worked out so well. Great collage you put together.
June 30th, 2022  
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