@jgpittenger I used a site which Wendy @farmreporter suggested and used in the pet challenge http://gifmaker.org
If you check out the pet challenge, there are some more sites.
It is incredibly easy to use, just took me a long time to figure the size out. At first I had 6 shots,and that seemed too big, it would not upload as a gif but just as a photo. I then kept changing the size and ended up doing a 40-50 % size and ticked the box :reduce size of gif. The speed is the only one that is an issue, but you can see a preview and change that ;-)
@ziggy77 Thanks Jo, yes we are lucky to have them. This can be seen almost daily as the young ones grow up. These two have been kicked out of the herd by the dominant male, to keep his harem for himself ;-)
If you check out the pet challenge, there are some more sites.
It is incredibly easy to use, just took me a long time to figure the size out. At first I had 6 shots,and that seemed too big, it would not upload as a gif but just as a photo. I then kept changing the size and ended up doing a 40-50 % size and ticked the box :reduce size of gif. The speed is the only one that is an issue, but you can see a preview and change that ;-)