Its raining today and the lagoon looked dark as I drove down the road. The ducks were hiding in the reeds as on Saturday, duck shooting season begins. They know they are safe here though.
There was an ugly power pole right in the middle of this scene so I removed it using "Snapheal" and removed the wires too! Makes a huge difference! I don't know about all the farmers around here who have lost power!
You naughty girl cutting the power cups of tea round here!! A very clever thing removing the power pole though..Snapheal, I must remember that, so useful!! MaKenzies road & some nice ail boxes too!
There s a big debate about the rights and wrongs of removing unsightly images from photographs. One chap had his first place in a renown competition taken away because he had "removed" a plastic bag. As if the great photographers of the past didn't do the same thing! I think there is some class snobbery about - is it because we can all do this now? Not just an Art Elite as in the past?
@gooner46 maybe Chris if there is money or prestige involved. It would be manipulation and not fair to others, I can see that! Even using apps to modify and beautify your photos would be the same thing would it not? -- - on 365 we are just learning about photography and trying new apps so I feel it doesn't matter!
I've got no problem with removing objects on occasion - just look at any picture of the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona - you don't often see the 4-5 cranes that are always on the skyline as they've been removed!! A small point but I noticed the post boxes in the bottom right - this makes me really feel nostalgic as I spent ages photographing these when in NZ! Nice.
wonderful editing job... i think the issue of cleaning the scene really depends on the context for the shot... i don't sweat it except for pure streety shots where i try not to "lie"... there's a nice moody quality to this scene btw... i quite like it :)
Beautiful scene- and great job on the processing! I am all for removing unwanted wires, poles and etc. for general viewing! (If you're in a competition obviously you want a shot you didn't have to doctor- but to spruce it up for your "photo album" why not?!). You live in a beautiful area Maggie!
Nice big lake for the ducks, but they better stay hidden.