I walked down the road to this historic lighthouse from our unit ( still absolutely useless with internet). I was first in service in the 1880's and is still shining its light out 27 km out to sea. I've almost lost the plot with our internet connection - it is so useless - took 1/2 hour to even get a connection then wouldn't look at 365!. Kept failing. We have had to use our expensive Telecom stick which is now charging about $10 per mb! Better shut up now!
So sorry about your Internet! :0( I would be lost too! This lighthouse is very handsome....I like how you framed it up in this shot....with the way the fence is and like the white parking lot lines too!
Fabulous shot, Maggiemae. Sorry for all the effort it took. i sympathize with the struggle as it happened nearly the same to me once and I know the frustration. We still love you!
Thank you for the follow, Maggiemae!
Nice capture of the lighthouse, I like the subtle differences in tones on each of its sides and the way you've composed with the leading lines of the fence and the car park bay marks.
Nice capture of the lighthouse, I like the subtle differences in tones on each of its sides and the way you've composed with the leading lines of the fence and the car park bay marks.