Valley Views by maggiemae

Valley Views

A cold bike ride around this area which included great views up a valley as this one shows
Three Good Things:
1. It was 9 degrees C but sunny. Still needed a warm jacket but not gloves or a wool beanie.
2. Getting up in the morning and being able to light the fire with good kindling.
3. Our near neighbours gave us a fright last night with a flurry of fireworks! What brought that on? Glad John didn’t stride over and ask why ! (he can’t stride now)
nice view - maybe the fireworks were for the winter solstice
June 22nd, 2019  
@hjbenson You know, I never thought of that, Harry!
June 22nd, 2019  
Such a lovely wintery scene enhanced with the colour edit ! Great dof - almost 3D with the sun glowing on the nearby trees . FAV
June 22nd, 2019  
@beryl That slope opposite might have been covered in frost this morning!
June 22nd, 2019  
A lovely view indeed- and the perfect weather for tooling about to see it (sweater weather!). Glad the fireworks weren't too frightful but who wants to be woken by that?!
June 22nd, 2019  
A beautiful valley view
June 22nd, 2019  
A lovely piece of processing too!
June 22nd, 2019  
I like the way you processed this too. A fine view to have on your bike ride.
June 22nd, 2019  
Wonderful view and processing.
June 22nd, 2019  
Beautiful :)
June 22nd, 2019  
Beautiful view! I am in bed browsing 365 and we have just had fireworks going off nearby. Lots of loud bangs! Now the dogs are barking! Oh dear looks like it’s going to be a long night!
June 22nd, 2019  
@pamknowler I heard the dogs around barking too! Not exactly expected on Solstice!
June 22nd, 2019  
it is a lovely view maggie
June 22nd, 2019  
Great capture :)
June 23rd, 2019  
Nice landscape!
June 23rd, 2019  
June 23rd, 2019  
What a lovely view. You are brave going out at 9 degrees without a beanie or gloves. I wore beanie and gloves yesterday when we went out to see if we could see any whales and it was 13 degrees here.
June 23rd, 2019  
Lots of nice layers and tones in this scene
June 23rd, 2019  
Beautiful scene.
June 23rd, 2019  
A wonderful landscape and great processing. Nr 3 made me laugh ;-)
June 23rd, 2019  
@ludwigsdiana But he did a couple of years ago when the tenants had a wild party with loud music! Just quietly told them we lived opposite etc etc...
June 23rd, 2019  
Lovely view
June 23rd, 2019  
Beautiful view
June 23rd, 2019  
Atmospheric capture, lovely scenery
June 23rd, 2019  
great scene
June 23rd, 2019  
Stunning landscape
June 23rd, 2019  
A fairytale landscape...
June 30th, 2019  
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