The waratah was here when we came to this property and quite special. Not easy to grow as we found when we tried to grow another. It didn't survive.
The flowers start to display their candle-like shapes around now and it is sometimes known as the Christmas Flower. We counted 25 of these flowers yesterday.
Thankful for:
A new fuel for our woodturner - compressed sawdust. Would save on so much - stacking, splinters, carrying it into the lounge etc. John of course has to monitor BTW output, price, etc. Lets hope it pans out.
Will be lighter to bring in than proper firewood...interesting to see how it compares to proper logs. We are just thinking if lighting ours but you will be thinking you don’t need a fire....the seasons come round so fast.
@happypat There are many days in summer that we have a fire, Pat! First impressions are good but John says he wants a real winter's day to test it. We might be a bit late for that!
Found this (I'm aware of my professional deformation...)