Our local club has a great restaurant - friendly service - delicious food and club prices. A large glass of quality NZ wine - $9! This was whitebait fritters - large and $20NZ! Full of whitebait!
An interesting fact:
Wholesale prices for West Coast whitebait range between $60 to $70 a kilogram, so a whitebaiter would need to catch about three tonnes of the fish to pay for a $200,000 stand.
Thankful for
Our local club!
Never heard of them but they look delicious on your plate! Your photo is superb. Thanks for the information to should I ever decide to become a whitebait fisherman!
These look delicious...I must try them next time we are allowed in! I watched a video once from A Country Calender showing catching Whitebait....have had them on their own as a crispy starter but never in a fritter.