My husband aged 16 on this unique bike! The earliest models were unsprung but during 1939 a rubber-cushioned fork that pivoted at the crown was introduced. Another feature of the Powerbike was a rear hub brake actuated by back pedalling. This had a trip action that allowed it to be disconnected when wheeling the machine but automatically re-engaged it when the machine was ridden. The round toolbox in the rear bend of the carrier was introduced during 1939, earlier models having a flat toolbox on top of the front portion of the carrier. At the same time the design of the engine covers was simplified, earlier ones having a curved depression to provide clearance for the pedal cranks. The J50 Powerbike was priced at 18gns [£18.90] in 1939. Francis Barnett used their own expansion box and tail-pipe rather than the standard JDL ones.
John bought it from a friend in Auckland NZ in 1950!
Love the fact it has a number plate !!! you must both feel quite nostalgic when you see this 16 year old !!! Bare feet too like all good New Zealanders !! Lovely !!