Bon Jovi by margonaut

Bon Jovi

Concert lighting makes taking a good picture SO challenging! Anybody have hints? Is there some kind of app for that? I tried several different settings on my camera, but none of them worked well.
What's wrong with this one? I think it looks great. Or maybe just because it's a shot of Jon Bon Jovi ;) Seriously I think the lighting is great.
February 28th, 2013  
well, as one of my friends said "he ain't chopped liver"! LOL! But this is probably as close to being in focus as I could get. Mostly the lights do weird things to details. See how white his face is? It's the combo of dark room and bright lights that's challenging. And of course, I only have a p&s camera. But it has LOTS of settings. Just thought one of the photography experts here might have a suggestion. Concerts are always hard for me to photograph.
March 1st, 2013  
@tara11, darn I forgot to tag you in the comment above...
March 1st, 2013  
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