Despite the risk of tempting fate, and disappearing beneath twenty feet of snow, it would appear that Spring might have sprung. The garden has loads of Snowdrops coming into flower over two weeks earlier than last year. The shot in my other album today is a shot from yesterday that I really liked and did not want to miss.
Beautiful dainty capture
January 15th, 2014  
Great shot
January 15th, 2014  
Lovely shot Mark, the dof is perfect
January 15th, 2014  
Beautifully delicate! A great shot.
January 15th, 2014  
Nice capture!
January 15th, 2014  
Love this! Is that a tiny drop of water with a reflection on the bottom of the flower? Beautiful!
January 15th, 2014  
@milaniet Thank you Milanie, yes well spotted, there is a rain drop on the the bottom right. It was why I picked this particular Snowdrop.
January 15th, 2014  
Gorgeous colours clarity and raindrop! I used to have snowdrops but they seem to be no more :-(
January 15th, 2014  
Lovely capture, the light is great. This seems so early. I'm surprised this is only two weeks earlier than last year. They're a bit later than that normally around here and last year they were really, really late! I guess you are a fair bit further south than I am!
January 15th, 2014  
this wet and windy weather is too mild for nature ;-), lovely close up
January 15th, 2014  
Amazing detail, beautiful and a fav
January 15th, 2014  
Wow...a gorgeous gem. You are so luck to have these blooming to early. Give me hope that spring will come sometime.
January 15th, 2014  
Lovely snowdrop shot! I wish we had them here - it's been 43C today! Scary how early the spring flowers are popping out now though.
January 16th, 2014  
lovely capture.
January 16th, 2014  
@virtualbrownie @padlock @seanoneill @cailts @elisasaeter @plainjaneandnononsense @cljs @sheilag @denisedaly @xtech Thank you all for your wonderful comments and thank you again Sheila for the Fav.

@roachling Thank you very much Louse, its actually two and a half weeks earlier, this year the 13th, last year the 30th. I am actually further north than you, I am in Widnes but have the advantage of being much nearer to sea level than you, and also we also get the warming effects from the Mersey estuary. We do not seem to get really severe or prolonged cold.

@alia_801 Thank you very much Alia, that seems scary HOT, I was watching a news story this morning about your very high temperatures. Stay cool.
January 16th, 2014  
oh, seeing those snowdrops out so soon, I thought you must be in the south! I was though thinking a few days ago that I should investigate the local snowdrops as with the mild winter we've had, I'm expecting them to appear early.
January 16th, 2014  
This is so delicate and pretty! Spring is on the way!
January 16th, 2014  
@kchuk Thank you very much Elyse
January 17th, 2014  
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