They might be hard pressed to beat this as a location to choose to situate your mobile office.
This is the Bay of Tafts on Westray, looking roughly north further into the island. When I got down to the beach, it is far, far, longer than it looks here, just as beautiful and totally deserted.
This is about half way through quite a an interesting walk. I have cycled the south /north Lands End/ John O'Groats route, and keep looking at doing it west/ east. Either using the Trans Pennine Southport / Hornsea route, which actually comes through Widnes, or maybe the Coast 2 Coast, St. Bees Head to Robin Hood Bay.
Well today, I did a coast to coast. I walked from the North Sea to the Atlantic !
And I did it far quicker than I could do any of the above routes.
It's a bit of a cheat really, the East coast of Westray is in the North Sea, the West coast is bordered by the Atlantic, and I only had to walk about a mile to cross from one side to the other.
Still, it still counts as a coast 2 coast in my books.