This is a huge beach and while not deserted, it might as well have been, the few people here just got swallowed up by the vastness. It was such a beautiful place I just had to swim here. It was not, to my great surprise, cold.
This shot does not show the whole beach, there is just as much behind the camera as there is in front of it.
To see the rest of todays shots just follow the links....
Mark your pictures are wetting my appetite for our trip to 7 Islands in the Inner Hebrides and it includes a stop in Ardnamurchan. We are going at the end of June.
@colinbarber013 I hope you get some nice weather, it is a fabulous area and well worth visiting. If you are only ( lol), visiting seven you will be able to have the time to enjoy and savour the special places you will see, rather than my rushed trip this time.
@markp We go to Scotland every year and the weather is reliable in being unreliable, so we will have hats and wet weather gear as well as T shirts should the sun come out.