Public transport is not considered of any importance by our government and the local authorities. It's both unreliable and expensive... Since I do not live near the station and because I mainly use my bicycle I hardly ever use trains nowadays.
Today heavy rain and broken wipers forced me to return my trip to The Hague by taxi and train.
After some weather-talk the taxi driver told me he doesn't really like his job anymore. He lost most of his steady income (elderly people and school going youth) due to the economic crisis. There are too many taxi's and too little customers he has to fight for, sometimes litterally...
Why am I saying all this?
Anyhow, I spent the train ride back to Rotterdam photographing train-things and reflections. This was one of the first. The Hague HS, in my opinion the second most beautiful station in The Netherlands after Haarlem of course.
Persoonlijk mijd ik den haag hs meestal, maar je hebt er wel een heel mooie foto van gemaakt. Mijn voorkeut qua treinstation gaat toch uit als we het over den haag hebben naar centraal, daar voel ik me veiliger en heb ik meer overzicht. by the way als je in HS uitstapt en hongerhebt daar om de hoek zit een super heerlijk viszaakje.
Very interesting photo! There's so much to look at, both in-focus and clear and interestingly wobbly. And you got to meet someone new; I hope the economy turns around soon. I don't like all this "struggling for money" stuff!!
Love the yellow accents! Every time I visit the Netherlands my daughter warns me about the unreliability of the trains there and we always pay the supplement...