Awaiting the Storm by matsaleh

Awaiting the Storm

Learning to use my new Tokina 11-16 ultrawide zoom. I must admit, it takes a different approach than longer focal lengths. I've definitely not mastered it yet, but learning is such a thrill.

Exposure is kind of tricky in some scenes. Expose for the sky and the foreground is in shadow. Expose for the foreground, and the sky is overblown. It's the same with longer lenses, but with the ultrawide it seems more pronounced because there's so much more sky and more foreground.

In this case, I played with lightening shadows and dropping down the highlights, and I kind of like the result. Not too bad for just a couple minutes of fiddling. This was just using the Windows 10 Photos app.

I'm not really into software editing; it's kind of fiddly for my tastes, but in this case, it was really necessary.
Beautiful perspective. I have the Tokina 11-20 and I really love it.
May 28th, 2023  
Love this pov
May 28th, 2023  
Lovely pov
May 28th, 2023  
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