Jackie @30pics4jackiesdiamond challenged me to do a triptych on the theme of “Same, But Different.” I’ve ended up (so far) with 2 triptychs of people’s feet and legs. Here’s #2 I went a little overboard with the frame on this one.
Hi Mary, we've been paired for Get Pushed this week. I did see that you're not keen on street photography so how about street photography but with a twist? I've never tried to capture blurred people in a street scene to convey movement and have just spent a large chunk of this evening trying to capture a blurred puppy chasing a ball in the front room, not terribly successfully! How would this appeal to you? I see your camera has Shutter Priority etc so I think it could work well. I found this link which may be helpful: https://www.nyip.edu/photo-articles/photography-tutorials/three-techniques-for-capturing-motion-in-photography (I'm rubbish at hyperlinks so hope this works).
If you'd rather try another challenge, please get back to me. Felicity
PS If anyone asks if you're taking their picture, you just say they won't be recognisable, it's to convey movement)
I can try it but I haven’t gotten around yet to replacing the battery charger for the camera (it’s not working) so how about an alternate challenge in case the camera on the iPod doesn’t produce the desired results?
Sorry, hadn't realised that. I had a lovely challenge a short while ago from April which was to produce a diptych or triptych in the style of David Hilliard. I'd never heard of him before but I really enjoyed this one. Is this ok for you?
If you'd rather try another challenge, please get back to me. Felicity
PS If anyone asks if you're taking their picture, you just say they won't be recognisable, it's to convey movement)