This is serving for both my get pushed challenge from Lisa @homeschoolmom and the Worldwide Minute shot. Lisa challenged me to take “a photo showing good ways to make use of the later daylight now that we have sprung forward.” I’m afraid I squandered the couple days with beautiful weather that I should have used to photograph something for the challenge. Yesterday and again today we’ve been back to cold, gray weather, and I haven’t hardly taken any pictures of anything at all this week. ThIs picture shows one thing I can do more of now that we’ve “sprung forward” and have more daylight at the end of the day—look out the front window before darkness falls and we put up our “curtain” (checkered tablecloth hung over a tension rod) to keep from being an illuminated “screen” for neighbors and passers by on the sidewalk to look in. Eventually we will buy a real curtain or blinds...eventually.
With no better ideas for my get pushed challenge, the alarm I set for the Worldwide Minute went off and I readied myself to take this photo. When my phone said 5:46 I aimed at the window and waited for it to change to 5:47. All of a sudden it changed to 5:48 —- WTF? I took a couple of shots, then finally this one, which reads 5:49 but is better than the 5:48 photos, so OK, in the ballpark, anyway. And, now having enjoyed “movie night” with Frank and Dan, I’m finally posting this and I’m almost done and look up and see it says 12:05 — oh, hell. In the ballpark for posing a response to the challenge, anyway. Right?
Hi Mary! Sorry it's late - for this Get Pushed challenge, can you take a photo where the view of your main subject would be obstructed by something else?
For your get-pushed challenge, I was looking for some good indoor ideas since many of us are stuck indoors. I challenge you to make an interesting photograph using a glass of water. There are some ideas in this video: