Vintage Reflections DSC_3614 by merrelyn

Vintage Reflections DSC_3614

Yesterday I didn't have time to play with vintage photography for @summerfield 's one week only project so I decided to combine it with today's topic - reflections.
My MiL used her first pay cheque to buy these cute little figurines as a gift for her Mother. Graham's grandmother passed them on to me over 25 years ago. They are very light in weight and I have no idea what they are made of, but they're very special to me.
treasures in beautiful lighting
June 29th, 2019  
June 29th, 2019  
so cute :)
June 29th, 2019  
This works really well!
June 29th, 2019  
What a wonderful treasure, they are so much of that period too.
June 29th, 2019  
Lovely reflections of these cuties.
June 29th, 2019  
@judithdeacon Thanks Judith. Are you guys free for a catch up next week?
June 29th, 2019  
Lovely figurines.
June 29th, 2019  
very cute figurines, cool reflections and lighting
June 29th, 2019  
lovely composition :)
June 29th, 2019  
Cool picture.
June 29th, 2019  
They are so lovely & great reflections.
June 30th, 2019  
Doesn't matter what they're made of, it's the associations that count.
June 30th, 2019  
Beautiful ornaments and capture :)
June 30th, 2019  
cute little figurines and brilliant way to combine two prompts. very well done, aces!
July 1st, 2019  
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