Lots of Raindrops by milaniet

Lots of Raindrops

Best on black. Didn't do much walking today - messing with vertigo - 2nd time in my life - so shot from the car when I could or from a chair in the house. There were plenty of raindrops to shoot!
August 16th, 2017  
Love this, very interesting bokeh!
August 16th, 2017  
Beautiful on black. Sorry re the vertigo. Hope it passes soon
August 16th, 2017  
Super capture. Hope the vertigo goes away real soon. I used to have it a lots, but fortunately, it seems to have subsided and hasn't hit me in a long time.
August 16th, 2017  
Amazing on black - Fav! So sorry about the vertigo - had a friend who experienced that and I know it is no fun at all. Hope it passes quickly.
August 16th, 2017  
Nice image. Hope you feel better soon.
August 16th, 2017  
Wonderful capture of the rose and raindrops.
I hope your vertigo passes soon.
August 16th, 2017  
This is quite beautiful on black. I hope you feel better soon Milanie.
August 16th, 2017  
Beautiful shot, love the drops on the rose. Hope you feel better soon.
August 16th, 2017  
So unusual, lovely!
August 16th, 2017  
Beautiful image, interesting back ground, hope your vertigo passes soon.
August 16th, 2017  
Hope you're back on your feet. Even a mild form of vertigo is frightening.
August 17th, 2017  
August 18th, 2017  
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