Out of the Mist He Arose by milaniet

Out of the Mist He Arose

You could hardly see this white egret at first because the mist was so think - have one shot of him where it looks like a sheer white curtain is in front of him. Almost caught up with life. Many many thanks again for all your support.
Cool shot, with the sun on the grass in the background and the mist on the water around the egret.
May 5th, 2017  
Wonderful capture! Fav
May 5th, 2017  
So fun to spot these guys! I like the warmth the rising sun adds to the grass.
May 5th, 2017  
Love the softness in this picture
May 5th, 2017  
This is beautiful! The light, the reflection, all works nicely.
May 5th, 2017  
Great capture
May 5th, 2017  
A lovely shot! He's beautiful!
May 5th, 2017  
Super shot.
May 5th, 2017  
Gorgeous capture and fav.
May 5th, 2017  
That is a striking shot. Love the action of the bird. The quality of the reflection, and the mood of the misty background. A fav.
May 5th, 2017  
The light and reflection in this image is great. The egret looks like it is on a mission to get somewhere.
May 5th, 2017  
Such a beauty. I like the soft, mysterious light.
May 5th, 2017  
A great capture, he looks so intent.
May 5th, 2017  
Terrific capture, reflections
May 5th, 2017  
wonderful capture :) fav
May 5th, 2017  
May 5th, 2017  
Beautiful image Milanie ... love the light catching behind the reeds, and softness :) x
May 5th, 2017  
Nice shot
May 5th, 2017  
Very fond of these birds. Great capture
May 6th, 2017  
Awww awesome colours and reflection!
May 6th, 2017  
Awesome shot, love the light in background.
May 6th, 2017  
The suggestion of mist on the water gives the image a wonderfully ethereal look, rather dreamlike. Lovelyl!
May 11th, 2017  
Beautiful image..
May 12th, 2017  
I love the layers you've got in this providing a great context for the egret to stalk through!
May 13th, 2017  
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