That Tummy is Almost Squeaky Clean by milaniet

That Tummy is Almost Squeaky Clean

We don't see many of the smaller grey squirrels around here, but caught this little guy out wandering through the clover. His white tummy almost shined.
Great shot.
May 24th, 2020  
Really cute among the clovers
May 24th, 2020  
Wonderful clarity and a very cute capture! Fav
May 24th, 2020  
Are those nipples? Sweet expression nd the flowers are a bonus
May 24th, 2020  
Great capture.
May 24th, 2020  
He looks so proud of his food find.
May 24th, 2020  
@jgpittenger I hadn't noticed, but it sure looks like they are.
May 24th, 2020  
Great capture!
May 24th, 2020  
He’s so pretty. Never have seen a white one before.
May 24th, 2020  
You caught him in such a sweet pose. And your squirrel is as paunchy as mine!
May 24th, 2020  
May 24th, 2020  
gorgeous tones
May 24th, 2020  
Beautiful cute little fellow!
May 24th, 2020  
Great shot
May 24th, 2020  
FAVtastic :)
May 24th, 2020  
A sweet capture!
May 24th, 2020  
Maybe he/she is a youngster and that’s why still a clean white tummy! Cute capture! Fav
May 24th, 2020  
great capture, a photo full of details and very bright, I love him
May 24th, 2020  
Delightful capture.
May 24th, 2020  
They can be entertaining, good shot.
May 24th, 2020  
love this
May 24th, 2020  
So cute - love his little paws!
May 24th, 2020  
Super capture
May 24th, 2020  
I love the little hands! Great shot.
May 24th, 2020  
sweet capture
May 24th, 2020  
Sweet shot
May 24th, 2020  
It looks like he's saying grace over his acorn- cute shot!
May 24th, 2020  
Sweet capture
May 25th, 2020  
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