My husband spotted some deer lying on the other side of the guard rail in a park while driving by so we circled around and I tried to get some shots as we passed again. it was hard since as soon as they saw me pointing a camera out of the window they stood up and took off. This was the only decent one I could get.
The deer are all fine. They just got up and ran into the wooded area behind them. They are used to seeing people and cars in this park.
@gerry I just put a picture of her in my second album that was taken about a second later than this one. I preferred that picture but it was not in as good a focus as this one. This park has many people using it and the deer are used to seeing people and cars.
Love the stare in the eyes. Wonderful shot. Once we met one about to cross the road in pitch dark while driving in Scotland. Thank God we saw it in time. Would have loved to stop and take a closer look and a shot, if possible, but there was nowhere to stop.
@sailingmusic The deer was not hurt at all Myrna. She was just resting on the side of the road with some other deer and got up and left when I pointed the camera at her.