2016-04-19 need directions by mona65

2016-04-19 need directions

As some of you know, I will lose my job end of May, and in my field there is nothing available at the moment. (But I would get 70% unemployment benefits for about 1 year, so I will not starve right now, if I dont find anything.) Although I applied in many places, I have so far received only refusals, and I’m kind of low-spirited right know. I'm too old, too expensive, too specialized, etc.
Now I eventually get the chance (not sure yet, just jumped in the next level of job interview) to work in a hospital as a newborn photographer. Part-time and at a very low wage, a) to provide a baby pic for the new-born gallery and b) of course with the idea to sell pictures to the parents. Being realistic on how many babies that are born in this clinic, it would be more of a pocket money, than a wage.
In the first moment I was all „hurray“ and „yippee”, who can resist little toes. Newborn babies, gorgeous mamas, doing for a job, what I love, getting a training… But after some hours of “hurray”, I start to think, I’m torn… and a million of question marks pop-up.
First of all, am I good enough? Do I have the skills, that they can train me, to be a hospital photographer? (They are looking for an non-pro)
Is it ethical? Is this a dream, or will it be a nightmare? Is it the door that opens, when another one closes?
Has anyone of you experience with regulated clinic sessions, where creativity has not a lot of space and time is short? What do real photographers think, of such? Mamas, Papas, what are you thinking of this?
And more and more of those marks ??? come up. Some I can even explain in English.

I would not mind, if you are so kind and would share your honest opinion. Thanky you.
Dear Melissa @bebecitosfotos, I would not mind your opinion on that field, asking you as a REAL baby photographer whose character and work I adore.
April 19th, 2016  
I really love your image! It's fantastic! I'd be more specific, but I like it all - great pov, silhouette, dramatic sky, leading line, etc... Sorry, no advice on the rest though...
April 19th, 2016  
wow fav fav fav! love it
April 19th, 2016  
Incredible image!
April 19th, 2016  
This photo is absolutely beautiful!

My instant reaction is that that sounds like a beautiful, human experience of being with babies and parents in the first moments of their lives. You are a fantastic photographer (and you can always learn along the way) I don't know anything about post natal care so I can't help there but if this is something you do decide to do I'm sure you would do it brilliantly xx
April 19th, 2016  
I love this shot. It is very empowering: she is striding into the future. I don't know anything about your area of work and am new to photography myself but I love your photos and wish you all the best with your decision and in the future.
April 19th, 2016  
Great leading lines .. and great in b&w
April 19th, 2016  
Just beautiful. Perfectly composed and exposed. Why can't I do that?!
April 19th, 2016  
This is a great shot and thanks for sharing about your job search. I know you would do a great job as a photographer, but I'm sure it would be difficult to make a living at it. We had photographers come by at the hospital and quickly take a picture of the newborn, but usually their eyes were closed and the photos were expensive, so I only purchased once. If you take time and get some photos with the baby's eyes open and parents, siblings, too, I would expect you'd get good business. Best of luck!
April 19th, 2016  
Love the leading lines and the photo seems to sum up your feelings of uncertainty and trepidation nicely I think. Hope everything works out OK for you - we live in a crazy world at the moment!
April 19th, 2016  
When my little one was born in Germany, we had his picture taken at the hospital. They had a studio set up in one of the rooms and you would come there with the baby (or with family, siblings etc...) and they would do a photo session, providing the set up, some fun hats, toys, props etc.... I liked the result - I wan't much into photography myself at that point, and I am glad I have those pretty pictures. I don't think their job was that hard - the studio was already set up with the lights and everything, so the most difficult part of the job was to get babies at a good time. Which was usually between two feedings when they are sleeping. If you look a their gallery http://www.babygalerie24.de/ludwigsburg/ - most of them have their eyes closed and are dozing off happily. So I thought, overall, it was a nice quiet job to sit there in the studio, wait for very proud parents to bring their newborn from one floor up and take some pictures that were guaranteed to be well-lit and cute. Ours didn't sleep, I guess we didn't know it at that age, but he liked the attention and the spotlight already then: :) http://www.babygalerie24.de/ludwigsburg/babygalerie/baby/plu7beyIa.html

I don't think it is "taking advantage" of the parents - yes, the whole package was expensive, but then - it is rare that the family has time, good enough skills and a studio setting to really take wonderful "official" pictures of the newborn. I am glad we did this with our second one - I (who usually doesn't look at pictures from the past at all) even like to look at those photos taken at the hospital.
April 19th, 2016  
April 19th, 2016  
This is an excellent image M, I love the leading lines, the dramatic sky and seeing you moving forward into the unknown.

"First of all" you are more than 'good enough' and have the perfect skills needing in work with people (from your previous job), as you are kind, caring and compassionate. All these traits will be appreciated by the new baby's family and I'm sure they would love pictures of their newborns cute little toes too as well as their portrait shots.

Back when G was born, we did get her pictures done at the hospital, as it is a once in a life time moment for us and a wonderful keepsake for years to come. So I say "GO FOR IT" because you never know where this will lead and it also gives you the option to keep looking for that 'other' job that you want.

I'll keep my fingers crossed and send good luck your way. :)
April 19th, 2016  
This is a perfect POV and does tell your story of moving on. I'm sure you're good enough. New things are always scary, at least for me.
April 19th, 2016  
Fabulous image! Can't really help with advice on the job though except that you seem to me to be an excellent photographer.
April 19th, 2016  
Base on your work that I have seen you have the photographic skill and based on the job you currently do you have the interpersonal skills. Yes it is a step into the unknown and possibly outside your comfort zone, but that is true of many things we do in life. Think about what is the worse thing that could happen if you take this opportunity, if you can live with the worse case scenario, go for it.
A great image that summarises you step into the unknown, proving you can already capture emotion in a picture.
April 19th, 2016  
first off...this image is wonderful...big fav
second off...believe in yourself....i believe from your photos that you are good enough and will only get better with practise...and your people skills are already spot on from your previous work so that's not a problem....question...are you allowed (by the clinic) to offer further photog service to the parents if they ask you to do a session at home with baby...could it lead to more work for you out of clinic hours ?...that would be a bonus...this could be a door that opens to something wonderful...you don't know who you'll meet or what opportunities may arise from this choice...if it doesn't work out, what have you to lose by the experience...my 'motto' is, "if it's meant to be, it will be... if it's not, it's not...just do the best you can and leave the rest to sort itself out"...lots to weigh up i know...remember the saying..."if you do what you love, you'll never 'work' another day in your life"...thinking of you and wishing you luck... (if it was me?...i'd go for it....but still keep an eye out for other work...)...good luck!... :o)
April 19th, 2016  
You have great passion and skill for both photography and caring for people so be confident in those aspects. I am a nurse and believe that art has a very important role within healthcare, who knows where this job opportunity may lead. All the best in whatever you decide.
April 19th, 2016  
You've got a big talent Mona and now a big occasion to use it has been offered to you! Just catch it! Good luck!
April 19th, 2016  
LOVE the image so much Mona....everything about it; it truly conveys emotional content more than the beautiful leading lines and silhouetted shapes. On the job side, I KNOW you are skilled enough --unquestionably so, and you may have room to grow and find your individuality which might lead to other opportunities...like maree said above. In the end, I think your gut is always what you go with...trust your intuition. I think it probably is more about your ability to connect with the families you would be interacting with...sign them up with a newsletter and contact info for future business :-)
April 19th, 2016  
This is a stunning image. getting a chance to work at something you love can never be a bad thing...good luck
April 20th, 2016  
Fabulous photo you have posted.
April 20th, 2016  
love this...fav
April 20th, 2016  
This so so amazing! I love the tone, the low perspective and the moodiness. You have great talent. You see and compose extremely well. Stay strong and open to possibilities.
April 20th, 2016  
I absolutely love this shot - fav!

As for the rest - you have the skills, no question. I guess it's down to what your gut instinct is. Change is always a scary but new challenges bring new opportunities. Good luck!
April 20th, 2016  
Cool shot ...a fav
April 20th, 2016  
Wonderfully atmospheric.
April 20th, 2016  
Very dramatic composition and marvelous capture.
April 20th, 2016  
@mona65 Mona, you are absolutely talented enough to do this. You excel at macro work and story telling, and these are the two skills required for newborn photography. The style of newborn photography they are looking for is called "Fresh 48". These sessions are almost always done at the hospital and within the first two days of birth. I have never done one, but I have a friend who has. Comment on one of my old photos with your email address and I will send you some links to galleries that do a beautiful job telling this story.

After the "Fresh 48" you have a few more days to do a "real" newborn session at the parent's home, and these are what I have done. I love telling this story and capturing the family in their native environment. I do lifestyle type newborn sessions, without all the props and fancy poses. I hate the gimmicky stuff and have only been brave enough to recently start telling clients that I just don't do it. You will need to do a quick upsell because these sessions need to happen in the first 4-7 days when the baby is still sleepy.
April 20th, 2016  
Marvellous shot! Fav
April 20th, 2016  
(sorry, I got called away to dinner...) If I were you, I would take this opportunity. To be paid to do something you love and something that you are very good at , even if it is very little, is a dream come true. It might be a style you are not comfortable with, but I know you can learn it. Being a professional photographer is a lot about how good you are, but also about how good you are to the clients. Newborn photography requires a lot of patience with the baby and with the mother's who are new and scared and in pain. The most important thing is to be kind to the mother. Find pretty light, good angles, and be gentle... she is likely to be very emotional.

I am flattered that you would seek my advice in this, btw, because you are an extremely talented photographer, far more technically skilled and experienced than I am. :)
April 20th, 2016  
Potent and wonderful shot. I have no doubt you have the skill. I used to be a nurse midwife and I think that the gift you would give the parents with your open hearted ness and eye would be huge. The only question for you I have is...would it bring you joy and a sense of meaning?
April 20th, 2016  
Maybe you could set yourself up so that the shots of the babies included the Monk, Eiger and Jungfrau. I can just see it. New born out of focus down in the bottom right hand corner and then the three snow covered peaks in the centre with the afternoon sun shining on them. :-)
Sorry Mona, no sensible advice but I am sure you would make an excellent go at it.
April 20th, 2016  
First, this is a wonderful photo. I love the low POV, the symmetrical composition, the silhouette and the message behind the shot. Second, sorry - I am a worker bee and don't do this professionally, so I don't know. I do believe that you are very talented and skilled, so (if you want to) I feel confident that you could deliver the photographic "goods." I wish you good luck in your decision.
April 20th, 2016  
Love the photo. Good luck with your decision. :)
April 20th, 2016  
stunning shot
April 20th, 2016  
Your photos are really very lovely... you've got a great eye for a good photo and the technical skills to go alongside.

Mona - you don't have to do the baby-photos job for the rest of your life you know! If you get the job then you can suck it and see. It sounds like it will be part time and you'll still have space in your week to follow your own artistic path. Some parents will politely decline your offer of photos I am sure. But if you do take their photos then the parents will be thrilled with the results - who can resist a quality photo of your own baby just hours or days old...? They will love you for the time you have spent with them - it is a very special time to be invited in to a family. I'll bet they might want to come back to you when baby is a few months old to capture their next stage...

Don't doubt yourself - you've got a fabulous eye for photography and the technical skills to match. Your interview should be a breeze!
April 20th, 2016  
Outstanding in every way, love it
April 20th, 2016  
Very effective pov & processing. It is a stuff Place you are in, I´d say follow your heart, deep inside you know the answer. Then there´s always the option to put down to pros and cons and think it through rationally
April 20th, 2016  
oh and I think you are definitely talented to take this chance!
April 20th, 2016  
terrific emotional capture! Follow your heart and try something different if you wish for a new challenge :)
April 20th, 2016  
Mona, I agree with everyone here who admires your talent and creativity, which we see and enjoy every day across a huge range of techniques and subjects. This sounds like a great opportunity and I do so hope that it works out for you - or that you find something else that floats your boat. Oh, and this is an awesome image - bold, powerful, well-composed and well-lit :)
April 20th, 2016  
Saw the picture which is an instant FAV, Read your story (sorry have no advice on that score) and will follow to see how things develop (sorry about the pun)
April 20th, 2016  
Very strong B/W image FAV
April 20th, 2016  
This is a really fantastic image. Such emotional appeal.. Wonderful pov and brilliant processing..
April 20th, 2016  
Love this photo ---- and it goes well with your life at the moment. Congrats on getting on the tp & pp page - which should tell you a little that you have the skills and the know how to make anything work.
As for me - it's something I would do because I like my passion so much (and I don't usually think about $$ when it's something I like to do and waking up every morning to do it.) But I know about having to pay the bills - it just might be good experience until something comes up, let God open the door and see where it takes you. Best of luck - FAV
April 20th, 2016  
@izzyromilly Thank you Izzy for your kind and positive reply. All your thoughts help me a lot.
April 20th, 2016  
@helenm2016 Thank you very much for your lovely words. Very much appreciated.
April 20th, 2016  
@mtbell I'm very greateful for your advice Margaret. I appreciate your words.
April 20th, 2016  
@vera365 Liebe Vera, vielen Dank für Deine ausführlichen Informationen, die Links und Gedanken zum Thema Klinik-Fotos. Es wäre für ein ähnliches Unternehmen, wie Du es beschreibst, nur ist die Klinik VIEL kleiner. Ich werde die positiven und negativen Punkte genau in Erwägung ziehen und Deine Eindrücke helfen mir dabei sehr. Und Dein Kleiner ist einfach süss! Welch hübsche Erinnerung. Tausend Dank für Deine Unterstützung.
April 20th, 2016  
@novab Dear N. how kind you are! Your positive words mean a lot to me. As friend, as photographer and mother of beautiful G. Thanks a million to share your opinion.
April 20th, 2016  
@lesip Thank you Leslie, this is very kind what you are saying.
April 20th, 2016  
@inthecloud5 Thank you Christine. To kind of you.
April 20th, 2016  
@bob65 Thanks for your advise Bob, sharing your thoughts mean a lot to me.
April 20th, 2016  
@maree_sanderson Thank you Maree for your thoughts, and this other questions you mention. Exactly this is a bit of a crux in that matter, that apparently there is a ban/clause for not beeing allowed to do other "baby-sessions". What ever this means. I'm not that far informed by now.
April 20th, 2016  
@jokristina You are so right, about what you are saying. From this side, I'm fully with you. And thank you for saying that I have some skill for photography. So kind!
April 20th, 2016  
@moreyoulessme Hi Jerri. Thank you so much for your kind words. I really hope I can trust my intuition. I'm kind of desperate to find a new job, and this is not a good ground to make decisions.
April 20th, 2016  
@barb_b Thank you Barb for your kind words.
April 20th, 2016  
@bebecitosfotos Thank you very much Melissa, that you took the time to answer me. I really appreciate your contact and your thoughts.
April 20th, 2016  
@jgpittenger Thank you very much for your thoughts, it means a lot to me, as you see it from an other side as nurse midwife.
April 20th, 2016  
@terryliv Oh Terry, you make me smile, between all my struggles. From this clinic there is no direct view into the alps. So I probably have to refuse the job. If I ever get the chance. ;-)
April 20th, 2016  
@rosiekerr Thank you Rosie for your kind words. They mean a lot to me.
April 20th, 2016  
@littlequeenie Thanks a million for your words and the advice. As you have a little one at the moment, I really appreciate what you say.
April 20th, 2016  
@susale Thanks Suse, you are so kind, saying that I'm talented and that I should go by my heart.
April 20th, 2016  
@gilbertwood Thanks for saying, that you felt the emotional narrative in the picture. This means a lot to me.
April 20th, 2016  
@pistache Thank you Clare. It means a lot to my, when you like my work, as I adore yours. Sorry, that I do not comment as often nowadays. Trying hard to keep my life together and my boat afloat). Learnd a new expression from you. Like! ;-)
April 20th, 2016  
@LaLa Thanks for your words Lala, you are right, I try to be open, for what ever comes,... but you know,... I try to follow my heart, but my brain (or whatever is at this place) is switched on too.
April 20th, 2016  
Oh, so many comments here to follow, that I can't add much. But what I can say is that this image is fantastic, and all your images are fantastic. If this is something you want to do you can do it, if anyone can. You definitely have the talent!
April 20th, 2016  
You might be able to collect some unemployment to bring your income up to what you would get if you hadn't taken this part-time job. I have no idea how it works in Switzerland.
April 20th, 2016  
Fantastic picture with strong composition and message, fav for me. I'm not a mama (or a papa either :)) but I think that 1)yes, you could do it. You are a fabulous photographer, and I think you will be one whatever, or whomever, you are photographing. And 2) I see nothing unethical about it as long as it's done with the parents' consent. II think it would probably also be a good addition to your resume. I'm hoping that whatever happens, it works out as well as possible for you.
April 20th, 2016  
My first thought is what would I do? I would probably give it a try. Granted, it is probably quite the specialty. Most hospital shots I've seen aren't very good, but it would be a service, and you could make it better! I'm a graphic designer, and at one point toyed with the fact of pairing with a hospital to make some cute birth announcements. But I think if you put a creative spin on this with some edits or no, it may be a good opportunity and maybe even be an opportunity to branch out. By the way love this shot. Very evocative. Good luck!
April 21st, 2016  
Beautiful, emotional image - especially paired with your comments. I haven't been a follower of yours for long, but already I am an admirer of your work. You are so talented, probably more talented than you need to be for the photography job you are describing! But, as others have said, it could be a wonderful adventure, especially if you could make it your own over time. It seems like there is little downside to this opportunity. When you find work in your field, you can move on. The same if you don't enjoy the work. But, maybe it opens new doors and will bring you unexpected joys. Best of luck to you, Mona!
April 21st, 2016  
This image is simply stunning both photographically and artistically - it tells the story of your current situation perfectly. If you can do this for yourself - and you patently can - you can do it for others.
April 21st, 2016  
This is amazing. Loving the low POV.
April 21st, 2016  
Love this image Mona but sorry no advice on your questions.
April 21st, 2016  
A wonderful image Mona.
As for the photo job opportunity I would look at it more as making an initial connection to the baby & family & them making a time to see them about 4-6?weeks later when the babies are more alert, gave their eyes open more & are starting to smile. My daughter had her sons baby photos done like this & they are gorgeous. They then had photos of mum & dad too with the baby.
April 21st, 2016  
This is just an incredible photo. I absolutely love it. As for your job dilemma, I am sorry you have had no luck on your specialty (that's an amazing job btw)... I know I'm late giving my two cents, but when I had my 2nd child is the first time they offered newborn photography. I decline not just because I liked taking my own photos back then, but also because we hadn't done it for my 1st. But Mona if I knew the session was going to be done by someone as talented as you, I wouldn't even think about not getting the photos. If it makes you happy... I know it'll make parents elated.
April 22nd, 2016  
First of all fav. Reading your story...I know how you feel. We were retrenched in 2014. This happened just a week after I nearly lost my eye in a car crash and the lady on the scooter was killed. I also have a husband with Alzheimers at home. God never closes a door without opening a window. He will provide I can tell you. We both lost our job within a year. Husband due to ill health. Just believe in hard times. You do have the skills to do a perfect job. You will see that something will flow out of this opportunity. I wish you all the luck you may need.
April 22nd, 2016  
This shot took my breath away. Just fantastic work here Mona. Fav.
April 22nd, 2016  
fantastic image!
April 23rd, 2016  
April 23rd, 2016  
This us an awesome image - fav. Sorry for not following you sooner. I thought I already had 😕😕
April 24th, 2016  
This is a fabulous shot. Fav
April 25th, 2016  
You will excel no doubt. It will likely open a new page for an expected opportunity.
May 5th, 2016  
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