A Day at River Hope in Brisbane by mozette

A Day at River Hope in Brisbane

Today, my family had a big one. After moving a huge piece of furniture from my Uncle Allan's house, we had around an hour to get ready to go to the Greenslopes Bowls Club and attend the River Hope Concert for the flood victims.
Even though I was stuffed and hadn't gotten much sleep last night (no thanks to a puppy yelping its head off in a courtyard at 1am this morning until the owners took inside; and even then, it kept going I had a great time. I asked Captain Jack Sparrow where the rum was; and he told me it wasn't gone, just hidden... in his stomach! I said I wanted some for my Christmas cake this year. He told one of my friends that I had a drinking problem (hahaa).
Just outside the door from where I was sitting inside (because it was horribly hot out on the greens), was this darling little pooch... called Chopper who everyone patted and gave water to. And wouldn't butter just melt in its mouth?
Then, as the sun set, my brother's band - Blue Honey - played in the club. But none of photos or filming I did came out for some unusual reason. So, I thought to put up Darren Percival. He's a one man band who got the place jumping... it was brilliant. He even got us into a mosh pit, filmed us and put us onto his YouTube account... still looking out for it to be put up there... very cool!
Now, it's late and I'm tired; and still have a lot of things to put away into the new unit that we moved to my place from my Uncle's house. Sooo, how was your weekend?
Great Collage Lyn - it WAS a good day with family & friends.
February 28th, 2011  
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