EscapeTheFrame has now partnered up with Your Square Mile ( which is absolutely fantastic! YSM are a company who promote community action. You can join them for £10 and it has all sorts of benefits... and £10 a year is 84p a month...
...this is where this fits in! As part of their promotion for this initiative, they are asking for picture of things that you could buy for 84p! So here is a £1 kitchen roll with 16p of kitchen roll removed! I'd love to hear/see any of your ideas. For conversion to your currency, please see the highlighted post on this page: :)
PS I might have some collaborative work we could do. I'm gonna speak to work first, but, I've been asked as part of a team to get more art into the radiotherapy department, some of it from patients, hence where you come in. Will keep you informed, but you know the NHS. Things take AGES! Cx