Can't Stop by naomi

Can't Stop

I like the painting on this. I'm not keen on the lettering.

I'm so so so tired. I hate Mondays because my head has stupid rules. Essentially, I'm not allowed to eat/drink before appointments (bloods/GP) (by not allowed, I mean my crazy head won't let me, there's no medical reason I'm not allowed) but my brain keeps pushing it futher and further back and I always have bloods on a Tuesday which has started messing with my head as far back as Saturdays/Sundays. I can normally hold it off until Monday but Mondays are just a disaster. I've managed to get a GP appointment for tomorrow which is good because then they're both on the same day. I don't know what to say to her though because I don't really know how I am. I'm just sort of plodding on? I have to be fine because there's no help if I'm not. I'm sick and tired of being so achey and having such horribly achey legs though.
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