Beauty And The Beast by naomi

Beauty And The Beast

Beauty and the Beast ❤️

Work was weird today idk. I'm struggling to concentrate and feeling kinda spacey and dizzy. I'm hoping that as the week busies up it gets a bit easier. •
This evening I saw a pharmacist. I was so anxious but she was great! We are hopefully changing my stomach meds so that I can maybe stop downing crap loads of gaviscon (and still can't sleep for feeling sick). She's given me some ideas about my refeeding meds which I never take so maybe I might be able to have a go at taking them a bit. Apparently my iron is crazy low which is a bit gah. Quetiapine - she's going to look into the side effects I'm having, it's not a side effect she's come across before but 🤞🏻we can do something about it. My asthma meds we are leaving but I'm taking one of them wrong so need to fix it. Thennn I'm finally hopefully coming off mirtazapine! I've hated it ever since being on it so yay! (Replacing it with the anti d I've had the most luck with). She was so lovely and non judgemental and really seemed to understand where eating disorder stuff would fit with it all. She also explained stuff to me in ways I could understand. (She actually said I knew a lot about them all but it's because I'm curious and google it). I need to have ECGs more often (I gave her my ECG tips and she liked them lol). She also does not understand why ED services discharged me (lol oh well I don't like them) and does not understand how a psychiatrist can just put me on stuff and leave me on it 🤷🏼‍♀️. I need to keep having regular bloods too. But all in all such a helpful appt. She's going to talk to my GP about the changes but it's beginning to feel a little more manageable. And the best bit is that she said she's going to follow it up to see how I'm getting on. Like she's not just abandoning me like CMHT! Happy days!
Good to be getting your meds sorted, which antidepressant are you on now?
July 30th, 2017  
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