Fantail Fledgling by nickspicsnz

Fantail Fledgling

Our resident fantail brought his/her baby to visit today. This is the only photo I took today so tried to make it high key despite the little bird being in amongst a lot of branches.

I always enjoy Flash of Red Feb so going to have a go again this year. Not too sure whether I'll manage to follow the pattern but will give it a try.

In former years we took a week-by-week path, looking at different aspects and nuances that only black and white can bring to your photos. This year we’ll be shooting with a daily format so that by the end of the month you’ll have a pattern of black and white stripes with the classic “flash of red” in the middle. At least that’s what I see in my mind!

So here is the break-down:
Sunday- Low Key shots emphasizing black.
Monday- Low Key shots emphasizing black.
Tuesday- High Key shots emphasizing white.
Wednesday- Black and White photos emphasizing shape.
Thursday- Black and White photos emphasizing lines.
Friday- Black and White shots emphasizing shape.
Saturday- High Key shots emphasizing white.

For and extra punch to your calendar use high contrast as well on Tuesday and Saturday. For those who’d like some clarification- high key is HOW MUCH light is in the photo (that is- there is an abundance of light. Think in terms of a picture where the sun is bathing everything in its bright white light- such as at the beach.). High contrast is HOW DISTINCT the dark and light areas are in a picture (that is- the blacks are very black and the whites are very white. There is very little fine detail in these shots and the black and white areas are quite bold.).

This approach should end up looking like a stripe of black, a stripe of white, a row of shapes, a row of lines, a row of shapes, a stripe of white and a stripe of black when you look at the full calendar view.

THE EXCEPTION: The Flash of Red. Traditionally we’ve popped that spot of red on February 14th in honor of the day. BUT some of you like to put your “flash” truly in the center (which is hard to do on a month with an even number of days!). If you want to go the non-traditional route- the closest date to “center” while still catching that striking look of color among all the black and white would be February 16th this year. I leave the choice up to you. More on how you can accomplish this look when we get closer to the “flash” date.
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