The End! by nickspicsnz

The End!

For the last ever assignment for my Diploma in Photography I had to create a website with one cohesive portfolio of between 20 and 30 images. We could choose any subject/genre/technique and had to use PS to enhance them, but they mainly had to show our photography skills. They had to be visible on one page (although some scrolling was allowed). I was so happy to receive A+ for my site/portfolio. Here's a link if you're interested in taking a look:

The Diploma has taken me 2½ years to complete through part-time distance learning. I have learnt so much and it was certainly a steep learning curve. It was also quite academic - who knew so much writing could be involved in photography! I was just shooting jpegs before the course, did little to no editing and had never used Photoshop or Adobe Camera Raw (used instead of Lightroom for the Diploma). I'm not one to blow my own trumpet normally, but I am pretty proud to say that I am now a qualified photographer :)
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