It is, it's a real ale, and the darn thing wouldn't froth, I wanted it all overflowing and running down the side of the tankard, but even with my whizzy coffee "frother" it wasn't playing the game. It not a fizzy kind of beer!!
@paul2782 it was more of a dribble by this point!! Thank you. I'm not sure how to get back to colour now!! At first I found B&W a bit scary now it's the colour thing that's frightening!
@danitech@debihas27@sansjuan Thank you!! @graycie No true it doesn't but hubby was there ready to drink it! Usually I would have fought him for it, but I had to be up early this morning!! will try your idea another time, thank you!! @huvesaker Put the little Lego people in the freezer for a shot it will be perfect!! :0)
@graycie No true it doesn't but hubby was there ready to drink it! Usually I would have fought him for it, but I had to be up early this morning!! will try your idea another time, thank you!!
@huvesaker Put the little Lego people in the freezer for a shot it will be perfect!! :0)