Very cool perspective on this bike. My husband actually made all four of our children swear they would never get on one. It's one of his few requests, because his oldest brother died on a motorcycle. Of course, that makes them very mysterious and forbidden.
tx for looking and commenting... to answer some of the questions, I do not ride... my husband does, altho' much less now than he did some years ago... he's had a couple of accidents and i remain fairly freaked out by the whole concept of motorbikes... they are very very cool to look at, and i think they are hugely photogenic, but ultimately, they scare the $h!t outta me!
tx for looking and commenting... to answer some of the questions, I do not ride... my husband does, altho' much less now than he did some years ago... he's had a couple of accidents and i remain fairly freaked out by the whole concept of motorbikes... they are very very cool to look at, and i think they are hugely photogenic, but ultimately, they scare the $h!t outta me!