Two converssations and one more pair! What a great find. The Greyscale conversion worked wonderfully and the toning you chose too. Fav, even though it was a quick one, it was a good one!
Great observation! It's also very handily representing three different stages in life - single, dating / getting to know one another and finally, married for years and years. :D
The wide crop really works! Now that I have a short week going to work downtown I don't even take a lunch or breaks - too much to do. So no camera time for me - hence why you don't see many city shots in my project.
@russianblue yeah... it's tough with a busy schedule... i'm swamped... only made it out for this because i was soooo upset about something that i figured it was in everybody's best interests for me to get out and cool off... ;p
Sister, our friend @rich57, is the master of the 'bench-life'. This would fall into that catagory. Check out the tag 'bench-life' and you'll see what I mean!
@eyesofbetsie i follow Rich, and have done some bench shots (altho' i didn't think of this as a "true" bench shot in the manner of Mr. Tyson ;p and i recall your bench shots from your early days on 365... they were quite wonderful! hope the radio interview went well... do pls post a link once it's on the net so i can find it :)
I feel for the guy on the middle bench. He looks right henpecked!