for get pushed this week, Suse ( @susale ) challenged me to bring one of my chess pieces into a completely different setting and use as a bystander...
i do not love this image... the angle is funky and there's too much of the scene that is blown out... but i've been trying all week to get something to work for this challenge and this is the best i've come up with... i found it trickier than i thought it would be to mash the small into the large and still be visible (and not a complete blight in the image ;p)
I know the difficulities with these kind of shots and that ' s why I can appreaciate the outcome. I think you did well with this one. I like the idea too, it's like it's sitting there and just enjoying the calm scene. You totally made this work as I knew you would!
the angle is funky, but the air of human frailty and 'non-perfection' lends a touch of intriguing old-world mystery. The right half of the shot could also stand on its own if cropped.
Great shot.