There are lots of beautiful pictures of railroad tracks, ergo, railroad tracks are beautiful... NOT!
Not being what it purports to be; false or fake: "spurious claims".
(of a line of reasoning) Apparently but not actually valid: "this spurious reasoning results in nonsense".
I don't know why, but I had this idea (inspired by @spirrowshoot's project and sort of as a result of a comment by @violeta) of picking an obscure word and coming up with a picture that day... and well, this is the result...
you will also notice a goose silhouette... which sorta covers off my get pushed challenge set by @mandyj92 to shoot wildlife... being a big city girl, this may be as wild as it gets this week ;p
@janim this was the first one, and i posted it on Spirrow's project... she's posted the one for tomorrow... it's: "pareidolia"? (but i see you've been on her page so probably already saw it)
Ooooh, this has everything I love about b&w. OMG, haven't done a mono shot in a while, I miss it so much!!! Ahem, anyway, I like the contrast and the high key and composition... great shot. Can't wait to see what you do with the next word, it's a good one. I'll try and join you guys tomorrow.