Zoom Blur by onewing

Zoom Blur

I was so impressed with Paul's photo @steampowered yesterday that I thought I would have a go at zoom blur myself. Hope you don't mind Paul. Not trying to steal your thunder because your pic is much better than mine.

Anyway, our modem on the desktop died today and we had to buy a new one. That was after talking to our IP for ages to find out the fault though.

I connected to the Internet through the laptop on the wireless modem and because we have bad reception here the damned thing kept dropping out.

I tried a few times to look up on YouTube how to do zoom blur and finally got it figured after a few drop outs and a lot of rude words. This is the result. Quite pleased with it for my first try.

Check out Paul's though it is much better than mine.

Today's animal picture
This just about sums up how I feel tonight.

I think I need a lie down too. ha ha.
Beautiful, and very effective, Babs
April 9th, 2014  
Awesome shot & the effect is great. I think your photo is better than Paul's photo.
April 9th, 2014  
this is wonderful Babs - just wonderful
April 9th, 2014  
You did well here Babs....beautiful effect & the colours are so pretty together!
April 9th, 2014  
No need to apologise - isn't this site about learning ?
April 9th, 2014  
Great effect Babs, lovely soft colours:-)
April 9th, 2014  
Very cool. I will have to try this out too. Great effect.
April 9th, 2014  
Well that's pretty darn good Babs
April 9th, 2014  
Beautifully done Babs. Love it!
April 9th, 2014  
This is great Babs, I really like what you have done with this, it has certainly turned out well.
April 9th, 2014  
A very good result I think - looks just great!
April 9th, 2014  
Really pretty effect babs! X
April 9th, 2014  
Great effect! Has tons of interest and I love the movement.
April 10th, 2014  
Great job! What an amazing photo! I'm learning so much here.
April 10th, 2014  
Great shot, Babs. This flower is perfect for the effect.
April 10th, 2014  
@joeyc Thanks so much Joey. I was quite pleased with for my first attempt at zoom blur.
April 10th, 2014  
@leestevo Thanks so much Lee Ann, don't tell paul though. I have only just learnt how to do this.
April 10th, 2014  
@annied Thanks Annie. I was quite pleased with the result for my first go.
April 10th, 2014  
@happypat Thanks so much Pat. It was hard work learning how to do this because the Internet kept dropping out when I was watching the tutorial. Hopefully all fixed now though.Only one more hiccup with the computer and we should be all set again.
April 10th, 2014  
@princessm It is indeed and Paul is a great teacher. I have learnt a lot from him during my time on 365.
April 10th, 2014  
@hermann Thanks so much Sally.
April 10th, 2014  
@888rachel Thanks Rachel. There are lots of tutorials on YouTube.
April 10th, 2014  
@terryliv Thanks so much. I wouldn't have known how to do this if I hadn't seen Paul's photo.
April 10th, 2014  
@eyesmile Thanks Gena I was pleased with it for my first go. I must try it again sometime.
April 10th, 2014  
@elaine55 Thanks Elaine. Had fun learning how to do this.
April 10th, 2014  
@dolphin Thanks Molly. It is great when you learn something new isn't it.
April 10th, 2014  
@heidihp Thanks Heidi I was pleased with it too. Learn something new every day is my motto.
April 10th, 2014  
@dgrynn Thanks Deb. I have learnt something new which was good.
April 10th, 2014  
This looks great Babs, just the right amount of zoom I would say.
April 10th, 2014  
So creative and original. I wouldn't have thought of doing that with a flower but it works so well :-)
April 10th, 2014  
wow... A FAV... wonderful shot!
April 10th, 2014  
@paulaw Thanks Paula. I was pleased with this as it was my first attempt.
April 11th, 2014  
@tryingforsighs Thanks Rachel. I wouldn't have thought of it either if I hadn't seen Paul's photo.
April 11th, 2014  
@lafish Thanks Laurie for the fav.
April 11th, 2014  
love this zoom blur :)
April 11th, 2014  
@onlyme111 Thanks so much. This is the first time I have tried this.
April 12th, 2014  
Great effect. Looks great too.
April 12th, 2014  
@gamelee Thanks Lee. It is the first time I have tried this.
April 12th, 2014  
What a striking shot love it well done!
April 15th, 2014  
It hurts my eyes, but it is wonderful. Fav.
April 15th, 2014  
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