@julzmaioro@888rachel@annied@karlow75@pixiemac@beachdog Thank you all. You think it made your eyes go funny you should try walking through the tunnel with the lines spinning. The idea is to try and walk through without losing your balance.
@beryl@onlyme111@thistle@shailestha@susanalena@hermann@gigiflower ha ha, thank you all. You are looking at this with the lines still, when you are in the tunnel those lines are rotating and the idea is to walk through the tunnel without losing your balance. Great fun.
@northy Thanks for dropping by and for your comment. Not sure how you would do this in Photoshop other than zoom blur, but I suppose you could use striped paper in a cone shape and photograph that or other than that you could make yourself a Rototron tunnel with fluorescent lights. ha ha
@happypat Thanks Pat. It does make you slightly cross-eyed and dizzy. There are all sorts of warnings outside the tunnel telling you not to go in there if you suffer from various complaints etc.
@paulaw Thanks Paula. It makes you dizzy when you are in the tunnel too, especially when the lights are rotating. Glad you like the pose ha ha. I had to use live view because young kids kept running in the tunnel while I was trying to take the photo and I had to keep an eye out for them. David was one of the 'kids' who kept popping his face through the entrance too. ha ha. Husbands are worse than kids sometimes aren't they.
@pcoulson Thanks for the fav Peter. Laid back approach, ha ha. I had to lean on the barrier behind me to stop me feeling dizzy because the lights were rotating and also had to use live view because kids kept running in while I was trying to take the photo. Plus David kept peeping in through the entrance, pulling funny faces too. ha ha.
i've been playing with some functionality in PS that gets me pretty close to those lines... it would just be a matter of figuring out how to composite with something else... and figuring out what i can use for the bridge shot :)
@northy Look forward to seeing what you come up with. I will follow and check you out. I've got another idea to use with this shot too so will work on that when I get back to normal after our holiday.